Known Issues
A list of all the things we know are broken.
Release Notes found here:
Latest update: September 5th, 2024
Gameplay Known Issues
BOOTY Points are not currently updating live. All points accrued so far will be visible later once we get the leaderboard back online.
Island Decorations placements can some times revert the placed item back to the Inventory screen.
Decks are currently saved in your browsers local cache. If you clear you cache, your decks will be removed. This is something we intend to address in an upcoming release.p.
The Player can occasionally load into the game with their ship's model missing from the Dock. Loading the Dock page will fix this.
The game music can persist when leaving the game for web content and thePlayer can end up in a state in which two instances of the game music will play simultaneously. Refreshing the game will fix this.
Gen 1 Pirate PFP does not appear on the My Profile page when a Gen 1 Pirate is set to Captain.
Equipping the Haunted Skin to a Frigate results in the model being a Haunted Galleon instead of a Haunted Frigate.
When a Pirate is transferred to another wallet while on a Bounty, the Bounty page does not update until the game is refreshed.
Using Rum with no Captain set appears successful, but the Rum is not actually used on Blockchain and the gained energy will not persists after the game is refreshed. Please make sure there is a Pirate set as Captain when using Rum.
When leveling up a Pirate, if the Player selects another Pirate during the level up process, that Pirate will appear on the level up pop up instead of the Pirate being leveled.
The Pirate Game Shop Crossmint purchase flow does not support Coinbase Wallet.
An incorrect Pirate model will appear on the Crew Page and in-game when the player scrolls up and down on the Crew Page.
Gameplay and the Hold and Own feature are not available through mobile browsers at this time. Mobile browser support coming in the future.
Removing Captain status from a Pirate shows in Logs as successfully setting the Pirate to Captain status.
There may be a delay in the View Island link functionality if attempting to view the Island of a player with 50+ Pirates
The game client will encounter some visual bugs from time-to-time. The result of this is that the game displays inaccurate information until it resyncs. You can force the resync by refreshing your browser or wait a little bit, it will normally sort itself out given a little time. Examples of this type of behavior that the team has seen include:
The Drunkenness meter can appear to exceed its cap.
New User Tasks may appear to be incomplete until refresh.
Spent Energy appears reverted.
Last updated