6. Ships
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A seaworthy vessel is to a Pirate what water is to a sea monster: necessary.
There are 4 ships a good Pirate needs to know, each with different strengths and capabilities.
The most basic and simple ship to craft, built with 140 HP (health points) and 5 AP (action points). It is easy to craft anduseful for new players looking to get around the isles and get the lay of the land. To craft a skiff, you will need:
250 PGLD/Marks
2 Wooden Oars
Skiffs are soulbound, meaning they cannot be sold nor upgraded. However, it can still be used in Gauntlet and PVP battles and for exploring the Infinite Isles.
Known for its superb evasion abilities when paired with a worthy Pirate, the Sloop is an agile ship with minimal firepower but enough AP to make it worth your while. To craft a sloop, you will need:
1 Sloop Ship Plan
1 Iron Sights
2 Wooden Helms
3 Cotton Sails
The Galleon is a well-balanced ship with just enough HP to keep you afloat, a strategic sturdy ship known for its accuracy. To craft a Galleon, you will need:
1 Galleon Ship Plan
1 Iron Cannon
3 Iron Sights
2 Cotton Sails
The heart of every navy, this powerhouse ship may not be as fast or as accurate as the sloop or galleon, but it makes up for it with its durability and heavy firepower. To craft a Frigate, you will need:
1 Frigate Ship Plan
3 Iron Cannons
1 Iron Armor
2 Cotton Sails
To craft the items required for each ship, there are some prerequisites you will need; these you can get via quests, gauntlet battle rewards, exploring the isles or from bounties. Most items can be purchased, while some like the Resource Crate & High Seas Map are soulbound, only to be acquired in rewards from the previously mentioned places (quests, bounties, or gauntlet battle rewards).
Below is a list of which items you need along with some of the quests/tasks you need to do to acquire them.
Ye must take note:
Cotton, Wood, Iron Ore (Tier 1 resources) & PGLD/Marks can be commonly acquired from Gauntlet Battle reward chests as well as exploration, some quests & bounties
Three of each of these can be used to craft the Tier 2 resources (Cotton Net, Wooden Oar, Iron Anchor respectively)
These Tier 1 resources can also be acquired by buying Stockpiles worth 50 of each resource from the marketplace and opening them from your inventory
Each Stockpile costs 100 PGLD and 55 of each resource to craft, but PGLD Stockpile costs scale up incrementally with the amount you craft
Resource Crates are soulbound and only acquired from normal Gauntlets.
Spyglass, Compass & Mermaid Scale, also known as Tier 3 resources, require 8 units of Energy and two Tier 2 resources each to quest for
The quests needed for these Tier 3 items are:
Ambush Traders
Catch Smugglers
Collect Mermaid Scales
Item Needed
Questable Items & Energy Required
Prerequisites for Quests
Cotton Sail
1 Hemp Rope, 25 Cotton, 250 PGLD/Marks
Hemp Rope - Coin of the Realm (21.5%)
Hemp Rope, Small Rock
Hemp Rope - Defeat the Merman King (25%)
Mermaid Scale, Compass
Hemp Rope - Make No Bones About It (18.5%)
Compass, Mermaid Scale, Spyglass, Large Rock
Hemp Rope - Decked Out (1.5%)
Compass, Mermaid Scale, Spyglass
Cotton - Crack the Crate (100%)
Resource Crate
Cotton - Follow the Robo-Dolphin (varied odds)
Iron Sights
1 Iron Needle, 25 Iron Ore, 250 PGLD/Marks
Iron Needle - Weather the Storm (15%)
Compass, Spyglass
Iron Needle - Coin of the Realm (10%)
Hemp Rope, Small Rock
Iron Ore - Crack the Crate (100%)
Resource Crate
Iron Ore - Raid the Landlubbers (varied odds)
Mermaid Scale
Iron Cannon
1 Cannon Fuse, 25 Iron Ore, 250 PGLD/Marks
Cannon Fuse - Coin of the Realm (20%)
Hemp Rope, Small Rock
Cannon Fuse - Hunt the Mecha-Whale (15%)
Spyglass, Mermaid Scale
Iron Ore - Crack the Crate (100%)
Resource Crate
Iron Ore - Raid the Landlubbers (varied odds)
Mermaid Scale
Iron Armour
1 Iron Rivets, 25 Iron Ore, 250 PGLD/Marks
Rivets - Coin of the Realm (20%)
Hemp Rope, Small Rock
Rivets - Hunt the Mecha-Whale (15%)
Spyglass, Mermaid Scale
Iron Ore - Crack the Crate (100%)
Resource Crate
Iron Ore - Raid the Landlubbers (varied odds)
Mermaid Scale
Wooden Helm
1 Wooden Column, 25 Wood, 250 PGLD/Marks
Column - Weather the Storm (10%)
Compass, Spyglass
Column - Coin of the Realm (10%)
Hemp Rope, Small Rock
Wood - Crack the Crate (100%)
Resource Crate
Wood - Hammer-Dead Sharks (varied odds)
Crafting Ship Plans requires a more robust process, that is to say, you may have to repeat a collection of quests periodically. Below is a list of the quests you will need to do in order to collect all the required sets of plans for the different ship plans:
Get that Galleon
It’s a Slippery Sloop
What, the Frigate?
Any Port in a Storm
These are ‘loot odd’ quests, meaning you may need to repeat them multiple times to get all 4 unique parts required to craft a completed ship plan, it depends on who Lady Luck favors that day.
You can also find some useful community created resources here:
Craftmaps by ChainsObserver
Crafting Diagrams by Deeping Labs
The Sloop, Galleon and Frigate can all be upgraded up to level 3. Upgrading a ship grants you new cards and higher HP.
To upgrade a level 1 ship to level 2, you need: 2x level 1 ships of the ship you wish to upgrade, a ship upgrade plan and 15k PGLD/Marks
To upgrade a level 2 ship to level 3, you need: 2x level 2 ships of the ship you wish to upgrade, 3 ship upgrade plans and 25k PGLD/Marks
With these resources accrued, you can then go to this community-created Shipwright Dashboard, select the shipwright of your choice (this has to be a shipwright on the same chain as you, Boss or Apex) by clicking the green buttons, and you will be navigated to the island with that selected shipwright. You can also go directly to an island through the game account view of a specific wallet, ye just select “Visit Island.”
Alas, this method does not guarantee that the island you visit does in fact have an available shipwright.
To use a public shipwright, select the ship you wish to upgrade. The second ship, along with the PGLD/Marks and the upgrade plan(s), will be auto-populated on the right side. If you have a ship with attachments between your 2, make sure to select the ship with attachments for upgrade and the one without any attachments as the one to be burnt. Any attachments on a burnt ship will be permanently lost.
Once used, the shipwright will be on a cooldown for 24 hours, that is, it is not available to use by the public for the next 2 hours.
Every base ship starts with 10 cards, this includes the Skiff. Keeping in mind that a skiff cannot be upgraded, here are the different tiers of ships and their corresponding details upon upgrading:
12 (+Stick & Move, Misdirection)
12 (+Vampiric Strike, Double Strike)
12 (+Bombardment, Feint)
14 (+Inspired Attack, Inspiration)
14 (+That's a Big Hole, Continuous Repairs)
14 (+Rain of Iron, Fortify)
A savvy Pirate will always find ways to supplement his hand. With different items attached to your ship, you get new cards to supplement your existing deck.
Ye must beware, for attaching an item to a ship is a permanent process that cannot be undone. Ye can attach a new item on top of the other item to replace it, but the initially attached item will be burnt, it will not return to your inventory.
Iron Armor: Hardened Shield card: Blocks 50 points of damage.
Cotton Sail: Act with Haste card: Adds 2 AP to the end of the turn.
Iron Cannon: Big Guns card: Deals 45 points of damage to the enemy.
Wooden Helm: Careful Planning card: Adds one card to the hand for the next three moves.
Iron Sights: Hit the Dry Powder card: Adds 50% damage to the next attack.
Another phenomenal community created tool, the deckbuilder, is useful in helping you confirm which cards you should already have and which may be worth working towards. It's also a great resource in showing you the full potential of your ship and pirate combination.
Ye best get to crafting Captain, there are monsters in the sea that are yet to be slain!